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“Agile working”: Must-have or passing trend?

In a world that feels like it’s spinning faster and faster, with machine learning algorithms driving us along and real-time communications barely giving us time to catch our breath, Heraklit’s famous saying seems more relevant than ever…

Stefan Huber
March 29, 2021  •  5min. Reading Time

Click-Through Rate Prediction

Click-Through Rate Prediction

Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is probably the most essential Data Science problem any online advertising company faces. The task is to estimate the probability that an impression with a certain set of features such as teaser text & image, weekday, placement, etc. will lead to a reader’s click.

Constantin Grigo
March 2, 2021  •  8min. Reading Time

DevOps: Our way through the CI/CD pipelines

DevOps in general and especially in the last few years has become a big issue and an important goal in every IT company. It is a fact that so many companies are moving much faster than planned from private data centers and dedicated servers to public clouds, and one of their main goals in this transition is to ensure a suitable environment in which modern CI/CD can run smoothly.

Content Garden
December 16, 2020  •  6min. Reading Time

Why should we think about a cookieless future?

In order to understand the impact of a cookieless internet we need to differentiate between so called “first-party ” and “third-party” cookies.

Tom Jelinek
December 9, 2020  •  5min. Reading Time

Looking forward

Corona still has a firm grip on our lives. After the first wave in spring 2020, we are currently in the middle of the second wave and due to the high infection rates, we are also in a renewed lockdown.

Lucas Schaerf
November 26, 2020  •  3min. Reading Time


Kicking off our technology radar

The purpose of the technology radar is not only to get an overview of the technologies, but it also gives our team the opportunity to review our technology stack, test new technologies, adopt or abandon some of them within a certain period of time.

Content Garden
August 13, 2020  •  7min. Reading Time


Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles with Laravel

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) stands for a unified approach to software design that provides a precise structure and set of rules that make software design decisions easier and more suitable for complex domains.

Content Garden
August 13, 2020  •  6min. Reading Time